Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the images and stories about how we use
things used for?
We use the information
we gather to inspire alternative ways of thinking about and creating fashion.
It is part of a fashion research project led by the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at the London College of Fashion exploring how we can do more within the limits of the stuff we already have. Currently there are also seven international partner institutions collaborating on the project through research and design.
Q: Where will the information collected at photoshoots be seen?
It will used online as part of the Local Wisdom website which seeks to
celebrate of the ingenious, thoughtful and creative acts of people with their
Q: What is involved if I participate in a photoshoot?
Telling us the story of your garment (we record it using a sound recorder)
and having your photograph taken wearing it.
Q. What kind of garments are you looking
We are interested in lots of things! Particularly those things that are
worn in creative and ingenious ways. As a rough guide, perhaps your garment:
easily repairable
shared between people
enjoying a third, fourth or fifth life
you each time you wear it
or tells the story of how it has been used
worn in ways that defy the producer’s values
worn regularly and has never been washed (and isn't leather!)
made up of interchangeable pieces that can be worn in different ways
you to others
worn in response to changing economic and environmental concerns
adapted over and again in order to meet changing needs
Q: How long does it take to participate in a photoshoot?
The whole process normally takes around 15 minutes.
Q: How do I get involved?
Just turn up at the advertised venue on the right day and we will be ready
to record your story and take your picture!
Q: Do I have to pay?
No, there is no charge.
Q: What if can’t make it to the photoshoot but I want to share a garment or story?
You may be able to add to the project by emailing us at
Q. Why is the project called "Local Wisdom"? Is there a story behind it?
A. The name Local Wisdom reflects the way that this project delves into the often unknowing ‘wisdoms’ employed by those who wear and own clothes to tend and use them in satisfying ways that go beyond their original design and far beyond the passive act of purchase. Kate coined the phrase ‘craft of use’ to describe these resourceful practices.
By exploring these ‘wisdoms’ or ‘craft of use’ the project aims to challenge the dependency of the fashion industry on increasing material production and to propose solutions that value a broader set of fashion experiences.
Q. How do I find out where the next Local Wisdom photoshoot will be held?
A. We publicise the next photoshoots on the Local Wisdom blog, Facebook and Twitter feed. If you want to be notified about upcoming events, add your email to our mailing list (on the home page)