Climate-led behaviour
The way clothes are worn constantly changes, in response to economics, culture and the environment. In cold and hot weather nations, the drive to save energy at home and reduce carbon emissions by turning heating thermostats down and cooling units up brings a new (old) focus onto clothes to shelter, protect and nurture.
Cool cut
"This [top] is from Mexico and this was made by artisans there. What I love about this is, well firstly, it’s gorgeous, it’s made with natural dyes, it’s straight off the loom, no cutting, no sewing and slits for [arm]holes. I wear it both ways [reversing it]. So if I’m in the mood for something more subdued I’ll wear it this way but it’s equally as beautiful inside out. It also keeps me really cool, there’s something about this cut that really works…"
Marin City - July 2012
Photograph by
Paige Green