Limits to Action
As humans we are all finite and faillible: there are limits to what we can do. In recognising the veracity of boundaries we can reflect lived experience and artfully recognise the usefulness of drivers like novelty, variety and nature that influence our lives.
An uncomfortable fashion rite
"I am wearing some slightly nicked up, very tight white jeans that were
pretty difficult to walk around San Francisco in last night… They’re too
tight, man… I ran them through the dryer at my girlfriend’s house for
about 2 hours and ever since all my clothes have been a whole other
level tighter… but they look good. I have a roommate from
France and everything he wears is quintessentially fitted, tailored to
his body. Whereas me, unless the wind can blow on my stomach [in the gap
between a top and trousers]; the stuff is just clearly too big and
makes me look like I’m journeying in my clothes. It’s almost like the
outfit is something separate from myself. In the name of cool colours,
patterns and things like that, it doesn’t necessarily need to fit
San Francisco - July 2012
Photograph by
Paige Green