An international fashion research project exploring the 'craft of use'

Never Washed

Laundering is high impact and yet not laundering is socially unacceptable. But some pieces defy social pressure and are never washed, often motivated by the fear that laundering causes something precious to be lost: a scent, a memory, the particular way a garment fits, the quality of handwork, and even a political stance.

No one sees the stains

"This coat is a hand me down. I think it’s been though many people. A friend was trying to get rid of things. And I put it on and I get compliments on it when I’m wearing it. But it’s covered in stains, which I find really funny because nobody ever sees the stains. They’re always thinking and saying, ‘Oh that colour is really nice’ or ‘that fits you really well.’ But no one ever says, ‘oh look there is something spilled all over the arm.’ I’m not bothered by the stains. I think it’s interesting to wear things that kind of go against what you’re supposed to be wearing. And see how people respond to it and just the fact that no one sees the stains."

New York - January 2013
Photograph by Ellinor Stigle