Super Long Life
Making a garment last is very different to making a long-lasting garment. Enduring use is often difficult to predict. It is specific and personal and linked more with ways of thinking, experiences and memories than materials. Finding ways to access these may be critical to third, fourth or fifth lives.
Four generations +
"This jacket originally belonged to a second or third cousin of mine; Anita Louise Erman. She passed away fairly young. My grandmother ended up inheriting most of her physical goods [and now] I take care of them and let other members of my family continue to use them too. The jacket went from Anita to Didi to Chris to Laurel.
It was something they thought was important because [it’s] in really good condition… thought [to be] of value. The jacket has Aunt Anita’s initials inside. It’s actually kind of ironic because she died due to alcohol… I mean her initials were A.L.E. It’s sort of weird […] weird little thing."
San Francisco - April 2011
Photograph by
Paige Green