An international fashion research project exploring the 'craft of use'

See Things Differently

Garments are both material and message. They cover us up – and reveal us – physically and emotionally. They hold potential to alter how we feel and how we see things, which in turn, change the things we see.

Red Response

"I went to Berlin and I walked around in this [outfit]… for two days, three days… and I was a little surprised because I thought in the evening so many people have smiled to me today! Could it be because I’m in red? And I met a Danish friend of a friend and she said, “Oh I have seen you several times today” and actually we had been going around the same art pieces and so.

I have just made [altered] these trousers… they were very wide and long and straight and the dress was a maxi bought in Rome in 2002 which I cut it a little and then I cut it more and made the pockets. And I think it’s interesting these two red colours, how they found each other, the meeting of many years between."

Kolding, Denmark - September 2012
Photograph by Jens Christian