An international fashion research project exploring the 'craft of use'

Skills of resourcefulness

Creative activists contribute greatly to society through innovation and experiment, taking on projects that fail to hit the radar of conventional industry. Their work is a training ground for new practices, for trialling novel approaches and reviving old skills that promote alternative ideas about fashion provision and consumption.

Coat reshaper

“This was a coat from the early 90s with massive shoulders but the fabric was still very much okay. I’m lucky that at home my mum has got a very good seamstress so she’s reshaped the whole thing for actually a very small amount of money…. I love it and I wear it a lot and it could have just been lying dead in the wardrobe. I also have an old sort of knitted coat that my mum had from the 80s and it’s a Valentino…. And again I had this reshaped for me…”

London - December 2012
Photograph by Tim Mitchell