An international fashion research project exploring the 'craft of use'

Skills of resourcefulness

Creative activists contribute greatly to society through innovation and experiment, taking on projects that fail to hit the radar of conventional industry. Their work is a training ground for new practices, for trialling novel approaches and reviving old skills that promote alternative ideas about fashion provision and consumption.

Mindset change

"This dress was the first piece I’ve ever bought that was a second hand piece of clothing. And I bought it when I first was pregnant with my first child, because I felt that as my body was changing I wanted something that was a bit ‘flowy’ and made me feel light and floaty when If was probably heading in the other direction (laughing).

And every time I’ve been pregnant, its come out and I’ve worn it, and it’s always the garment that I wear home, from the hospital, with the baby. So it is very special, and I think I maybe bought it for two dollars and it’s one of my favourite pieces. [I bought it] about five years ago. Occasionally, threads come off and I just cut them. They don’t seem to be vital pieces that make it fall apart, so I just keep it in my wardrobe.

Now I barely buy anything else. So that’s how I shop, really, because I just find that if I go into any other type of shop, I don’t like the idea that there’s multiple items. I like going into a shop where everything is completely different and there is just one of everything. And I just wonder my way through and I find things I like.

[My change in circumstances] completely changed my mindset. And it’s gone across my entire life, really, and how I live, because I used to work in advertising and I used to spend a lot of money on very expensive clothes and a lot of stilettos and a massive shoe wardrobe and a handbag wardrobe. And I just feel happier now that I just go into this second-hand stores and find wonderful things that make me feel good. And no one else has got them."

Wellington, New Zealand - March 2013
Photograph by Aliscia Young