An international fashion research project exploring the 'craft of use'

Open and Adjust

Garments can be reworked to meet changing needs. The knowledge and skills to open up a garment and adjust it to fit enrich and embolden society. They remind us about ingenuity and resourceful possibility and help replace consumption with action.

Sweater age 4

"I love failed handicrafts… semi-finished…. I have a collection of clothing I have made [from such things]. I like both to make them and to think of the first maker and why she gave up… and about what I would have said to help her further. I think of the knowledge that is needed to use simple techniques to achieve beautiful things…

This top was a small sweater size about 4 years… I [picked it up as I] make quilts from old knitted garments... But it was so cute! So I tried to keep some of the "cute" and make it large enough for my body. I used the arms and [shaped them into] the side and shoulder. In addition [I added some] crochet so there was some air - and also [to make it] slightly larger.

Most of my clothes are made or given or found. I've never bought clothes for myself …with some very few exceptions... As a child my Mum made clothes. And so I began quite small…"

Oslo - March 2012
Photograph by Kristin von Hirsch